Early-career researcher travel grants 2018: Open for applications

eLife supports early-career researchers by helping ensure they receive exposure and recognition for their work , especially among leading scientists in their field. In this spirit, we are pleased to offer a travel grant programme whereby the early-stage researcher on an eLife paper may be funded to present their work at a meeting of their choice.

This programme is now in its third year. So far, we have supported 28 researchers from across the life sciences to travel to scientific meetings, get exposure, start new collaborations and gain recognition for their research. Read more about last year’s winners in our earlier blog post.

Once again, we encourage postdoctoral and independent scientists with up to five years of active research experience, and who have authored or co-authored a research paper published (or accepted for publication) at eLife, to apply online. Please review the updated terms and conditions before applying.

Application deadlines are on midnight of March 1, June 3 and September 2. You can apply for funding of up to $1,000 to support your costs of travelling to and participating in a conference.

Applicants who have had an abstract of high scientific merit already accepted for an oral presentation at their chosen meeting will be treated with priority. We especially welcome applications from researchers requiring international travel to their meeting of choice.

MORE and for APPLY – https://elifesciences.org/inside-elife/ae2cc6b5/early-career-researcher-travel-grants-2018-open-for-applications

3 коментарі до “Early-career researcher travel grants 2018: Open for applications”

    1. rada сказав:

      You can familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the program by clicking on the link in the advertisement.

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